FileFolder (evaluation copy) release 1.0 for Microsoft Windows 3.1 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= File Folders is a simple, powerful and efficient file management system for Windows 3.1. It is most effective when used with Route 1, the premier shell for Windows, and TaskMenu, a replacement task manager that comes with Route 1. Fill out FOLDER.WRI to order FileFolders (registered Route 1 users get 36% off). This is an evaluation copy, so there is unfortunately no online help supplied (the registered product does, of course). Even if you decide not to register, feel free to contact the author with any suggestions, questions, comments, or ideas. Installation: Simply copy all of the files into their own directory, or if Route 1 is installed, copy them into your Route 1 directory. The VBRUN200.DLL run- time library is required, and if not already in your WINDOWS/SYSTEM directory, should be placed there. This file can be found on most bulletin boards, anonymous FTP sites, and shareware distribution services. I hope you enjoy and use Route 1. -David A. Karp Internet Address: Daaron@ocf.Berkeley.EDU US Mail Address: P.O.Box 20024 Oakland, CA 94620